In considering a student’s request for admission, APV may consider the student’s history of a criminal offense(s), juvenile court adjudication(s), or disciplinary problems under subchapter A, Chapter 37 of the Education Code, as evidenced by records received from schools previously attended by the student, law enforcement, or any other relevant documentation, and may exclude the student from admission on this basis. Updated 06/26/16 Page 6 If a student who would otherwise be ineligible for admission to the School provides false information on an admissions application or other enrollment document and as a result of the false information is admitted to the School, the student shall be immediately withdrawn from enrollment from the School upon discovery of the falsification. Falsification of information for the purpose of gaining enrollment in a public school is a criminal offense under § 37.10 of the Texas Penal Code. APV may elect to report the falsification to law enforcement or take any other action permitted by law
Students must complete APV enrollment process to include: complete report card and/ or current progress report, previous year’s STAAR and/or state assessments, file, immunization records, proof of residence with parent/guardian’s name, birth certificate, social security card, and/or any other special program information. This information must be submitted at the time of enrollment. If not, any missing school records must be submitted within 3 school days from original enrollment date.
Students must be in good standing in conduct from previous School (i.e. no suspensions, expulsions, no dues owed to previous School, etc.).
Students must be in good standing with attendance/tardiest.
Applications will not be processed if it is not filled out in it’s entirely.